a.k.a. Old-fashioned Styrians
A White Altsteirer telling it all
My information about this breed was mostly supplied by Birgit Gelzleichter
Altsteirers come from the Styria area of Austria and are considered endangered.
This is a hardy, broad-breasted medium-sized chicken. They are single combed, but the comb on the hen is short, with a small crest behind it. The ear lobes are small and white. Cocks weigh 2-3 kg, with hens reaching up to 2.5 kg.
This is a dual purpose breed. They lay about 180 eggs in the first year and about 150 the second year. The eggs are ivory in color. Hens tend to be nonsitters.
They are active birds and like to fly up and sit in trees.
The accepted colors are White and Partridge, although they are also found in other varieties such as Barred and Blue Gold-necked. [ed. note: The Blue and Blue Gold-necked look to me like the same variety.]
Altsteirer heads
Barred and Blue Altsteirer cockerels
Partridge Altsteirer pullets
A Red Saddled Altsteirer cockerel
Blue Altsteirers
A Barred Altsteirer hen
Blue Gold-necked Altsteirers
White Altsteirers
An Altsteirer Blue Gold-necked chick in the hand . . .
A White Altsteirer chick
A Red Saddled Altsteirer chick